Thank you, Endeavor Foundation.

The following is a report of what was accomplished with the $45K grant funds generously awarded by the Endeavor Foundation to support the independent documentary film, All You Hear Is Noise.

Short summaries of each report section are available in the drop-downs to the right; scroll down for a deeper dive in these areas.

Lastly, the video immediately below is an excerpt from a recent feedback session with one of our disability advisors, Loretta Claiborne. As partners on this project, we thought you might enjoy hearing what she had to say after watching a recent rough cut of the film…

  • Funds were used in part to cover the costs of continued filming with our three subjects in their lives post-Games—the results of which have transformed the story arcs of the film and significantly increased it’s distribution and social impact potential.

  • Funds were used to compensate members of the intellectual and developmental disability community (I/DD) for their participation on our I/DD Advisory Group—providing invaluable feedback and guidance on the portrayal of disability in the film.

    Their critical ongoing involvement is helping our creative team avoid harmful disability tropes (e.g. inspiration porn, supercrip, etc.) that frequently appear in mainstream storytelling about people with I/DD.

  • In addition to keeping momentum in the production, your support helped to legitimize our project in the eyes of prospective funders.

    In particular, we were able to secure ~$240K in funds from SpringHill Company, to cover the remaining finishing costs of the film.

  • In partnership with Spring Hill Company, we are targeting a new release date for the film: Summer 2023.

    We have our sights set on premiering the film at Tribeca in June 2023, which is ideally times roughly two weeks prior to the next Special Olympics World Games in Berlin, Germany.

    In the coming months, we will be approaching distributors with the film to secure streaming distribution—which will be complemented by a festival run through 2023-2024.

  • We are currently designing strategy, recruiting partners, and fundraising for a robust social impact campaign that will accompany the release of the film and run 2023-2024.

    The objective of the campaign broadly speaking is to promote inclusion for people with I/DD—by targeting three focus areas: Self-Advocacy, Representation, Awareness.

  • All You Hear Is Noise received a grant from the Endeavor Foundation in the amount of $45,000. The funds were used to support film production and social impact campaign activities. A detailed cost report is available for download at the bottom of this webpage.

Excerpts from a rough cut feedback session with Loretta Claiborne on 01.12.23.

Bridging Production Costs.

One of the most consistent pieces of feedback we received about the initial version of the film—from our disability community advisors and potential distributors—was the desire to see more of our subjects lives outside of Special Olympics. Your support enabled us to realize that desire by funding us to continue filming with Trent, Mel, and Chris through 2021-2022. Footage from that additional filming has transformed the narrative arc of the film—and the social impact potential of sharing a more nuanced and complicated picture of living with I/DD. Below are three revised Character Sketches, that we built to show some of the new footage to potential partners, including SpringHill Company—who ultimately came on board to help us fund the completion of the film.

Trent Hampton

Melanie Holmes

Chris Wines

Diversifying our Team.

With your support, we’ve been able to assemble and incredible team of disability community stakeholders to provide feedback on the story, help strategize social impact campaign activities, and build partnerships with non-profit and corporate organizations working to advance the inclusion and well-being of people with I/DD.

In early 2022, the $45K grant from the Endeavor Foundation enabled, in part, the completion of production and early phases of the film re-edit process.

Using new scenes and a revised pitch deck, we approached SpringHill Company to come on aboard as a finishing partner for the film. They officially joined the team Fall 2022, bringing to the table approximately $240K in resources we needed to hire a full-time editor—Pablo Garza, Retrograde (2022)—along with additional production support and funds to secure finishing vendors (i.e. color, sounds, archival).

We've long felt that SpringHill would be a dream partner for us—both in terms of their mission and levers of influence via Lebron's visibility and activism.

Leveraging Additional Support.

Release Timeline.

We are targeting a World Premiere of the film at the Tribeca Film Festival in June 2023. The festival takes place in NYC and is timed nearly perfectly as it falls one week before the next Special Olympics World Games, which are taking place in Berlin, Germany.

Social Impact Campaign.

    • Supporting a civil rights movement for people with I/DD

    • Nothing about us without us

    • Taking risks and learning new things (*includes job skills training*)

    • Dismantle structural barriers to employment

    • Promote inclusive workplace culture

    • More on-screen representation of people with I/DD

    • Promote stories that do not perpetuate harmful I/DD stereotypes

    • Deeper appreciation for the experience of living with I/DD

    • Understanding that the barriers people with I/DD face are structural

Focus Areas

The release of the film will be complemented by a robust social impact campaign strategy with the goal of promoting inclusion via three focus areas of activity and outreach.

All You Hear Is Noise Impact Map

Cost Report

Funds received from the Endeavor Foundation, less the administrative indirect from the Vermont Folklife Center, were used prior to May 2022. A full cost report, including itemized expenses, is available for download here.

The cost summary column where the Endeavor Foundation grant funds were spent is labeled: Before May 2022.