Trent Hampton

Main Subject

Trent Hampton sits in a laundromat waiting for his clothes to dry. At age forty, Trent has spent the majority of his life within driving distance of his childhood home on Long Island. He points to bullying in his adolescence as the catalyst for a volatile temper that he has worked hard to understand and reign in. He recalls, “My mother says sports used to ground me. Make me human.”

Trent describes himself as a disabled athlete and is quick to add that he has come from very little and overcome challenges to live independently. We follow Trent into his daily life, to his job, and through preparations for the World Games. We watch as he demonstrates genuine affection and concern toward his new teammates, competitors, and young fans. This generous demeanor belies a deeper intensity—glimpsed in moments of travel stress or athletic competition—that is a defining quality of this complex, imperfect, human character.